Friday, April 16, 2010

r5 is dead!

The sandbagger himself is dead! Last week r5 was riding around longview lake on his crappy TT bike when he lost control of his bike and crashed into a light pole. r5 was found dead with the destroyed light pole by witnesses. Witnesses say that they saw a fat cyclist was cruising at high speeds (40+ mph) around the traffic circles just north of the MCC-Longview Campus. "It's hard to miss when you see a fat cyclist cruising around like a douche bag without a shirt on," ~Paul Preiffer (witness the crash). Lee's Summit police said that foul play may be involved. "Many local cycling clubs, such as 360 Racing and Bicycle Shack, have a price on r5's head. So it wont surprise me that somebody from a local cycling club sabotaged his bike," ~LSPD. r5 has a blog called KC Sandbagger ( where he calls out anybody who wins more than one race in their category. Many people from local cycling clubs get very upset with his posts. I'm sure that many other sandbaggers can feel comfortable wining races that they don't belong in now. Who's going to call out the sandbaggers! Soon the crash 5's will be filled with people who should be racing cat 3!

RIP r5


Blogger Aubree said...


April 16, 2010 at 1:58 PM  

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